Source code for vmupdate.pkgmgr

    Provide functions to query and command package managers.

import logging

from .config import config
from .credentials import get_credentials, get_run_as_elevated
from .errors import UpdateError

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_pkgmgrs(vm): """ Return all package managers on the virtual machine. :param vm: virtual machine to target :type vm: :class:`~.vm.VM` :return: list of tuples of (name, list of paths) :rtype: list((str, list(str))) """ pkgmgrs = [] vm_os = vm.get_os()'Querying package managers for %s on OS %s', vm.uid, vm_os) if vm_os in config.pkgmgrs: with vm.connect() as shell: for pkgmgr, cmds in config.pkgmgrs[vm_os].items(): log.debug('Checking if %s exists on %s', pkgmgr, vm.uid) if shell.command_exists(pkgmgr): pkgmgrs.append((pkgmgr, cmds)) return pkgmgrs
[docs]def run_pkgmgr(vm, pkgmgr, cmds): """ Run the package manager commands on the virtual machine in sequence. :param vm: virtual machine to target :param str pkgmgr: name of the package manager to run :param cmds: list of commands to run in sequence :type vm: :class:`~.vm.VM` :type cmds: list(str) :raise UpdateError: if any command does not exit with ``0`` """'Updating %s on %s', pkgmgr, vm.uid) with vm.connect() as shell: for cmd in cmds: cmd = _run_pkgmgr_cmd(vm, shell, pkgmgr, cmd) if cmd.wait() != 0: raise UpdateError('Update failed')
def _run_pkgmgr_cmd(vm, shell, pkgmgr, cmd): """ Run the package manager command on the virtual machine. :param vm: virtual machine to target :param shell: the shell to run the command against :param str pkgmgr: name of the package manager to run :param str cmd: command to run :type vm: :class:`~.vm.VM` :type shell: :class:`~.shells.Shell` :return: channel command :rtype: :class:`` """ shell_cmd = ' '.join([pkgmgr, cmd]) log.debug('Running %s on %s', shell_cmd, vm.uid) if get_run_as_elevated(vm.uid): username, password = get_credentials(vm.uid) return shell.run_as_elevated(shell_cmd, password) return