Source code for vmupdate.virtualizers

    Provide a transparent abstraction for interacting with virtualizers.

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import logging
import re
import subprocess
import sys

from vmupdate.constants import *

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_virtualizer(name, path): """ Return an instance of a virtualizer. The virtualizer should extend :class:`Virtualizer`. :param str name: name of the virtualizer class to instantiate :param str path: path of the virtualizer to pass to the constructor """ virtualizer_class = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], name) return virtualizer_class(path)
[docs]class Virtualizer(object): """ Abstract virtualizer control. This class must be inherited and cannot be used directly. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta @abstractmethod
[docs] def list_vms(self): """ Return all virtual machines. This is a virtualizer-specific command and must be overridden. :return: list of tuple (name, id) :rtype: list(str, str) """ pass
[docs] def start_vm(self, uid): """ Start the virtual machine. This is a virtualizer-specific command and must be overridden. :param str uid: identifier of the machine :return: exitcode :rtype: int """ pass
[docs] def stop_vm(self, uid): """ Stop the virtual machine. This is a virtualizer-specific command and must be overridden. :param str uid: identifier of the machine :return: exitcode :rtype: int """ pass
[docs] def get_vm_status(self, uid): """ Return the status of the virtual machine. This is a virtualizer-specific command and must be overridden. Possible values can be found in :mod:`.constants`. :param str uid: identifier of the machine :rtype: str """ pass
[docs] def get_vm_os(self, uid): """ Return the operating system of the virtual machine. This is a virtualizer-specific command and must be overridden. Possible values can be found in :mod:`.constants`. :param str uid: identifier of the machine :rtype: str """ pass
[docs] def get_ssh_info(self, uid, ssh_port): """ Return the SSH connection information for the virtual machine. This is a virtualizer-specific command and must be overridden. :param str uid: identifier of the machine :param int ssh_port: expected SSH port of the guest :return: tuple of (hostname, port) :rtype: (str, int) """ pass
[docs] def enable_ssh(self, uid, host_port, guest_port): """ Enable SSH port forwarding for the virtual machine. This is a virtualizer-specific command and must be overridden. :param str uid: identifier of the machine :param int host_port: the post on the host to forward to the guest :param int guest_port: SSH port of the guest :return: exitcode :rtype: int """ pass
[docs]class VirtualBox(Virtualizer): """Control the VirtualBox virtualizer.""" def __init__(self, manager_path): """ Return an instance of :class:`VirtualBox`. :param str manager_path: path to the VirtualBox control utility :rtype:`VirtualBox` """ self._manager_path = manager_path
[docs] def list_vms(self): """ Return all virtual machines. :return: list of tuple (name, id) :rtype: list(str, str) """ cmd = subprocess.Popen([self._manager_path, 'list', 'vms'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) vms = [] stdoutdata, stderrdata = cmd.communicate() if stderrdata: log.error(stderrdata) if stdoutdata: matches = re.finditer(r"""^"(?P<name>[^"]+)"\s+\{(?P<uuid>[^}]+)\}""", stdoutdata, flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE) if matches: for match in matches: vms.append(('name'),'uuid'))) return vms
[docs] def start_vm(self, uid): """ Start the virtual machine. :param str uid: identifier of the machine :return: exitcode :rtype: int """ cmd = subprocess.Popen([self._manager_path, 'startvm', uid, '--type', 'headless'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) stdoutdata, stderrdata = cmd.communicate() if stderrdata: log.error(stderrdata) return cmd.wait()
[docs] def stop_vm(self, uid): """ Stop the virtual machine. :param str uid: identifier of the machine :return: exitcode :rtype: int """ cmd = subprocess.Popen([self._manager_path, 'controlvm', uid, 'poweroff'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) return cmd.wait()
[docs] def get_vm_status(self, uid): """ Return the status of the virtual machine. Possible values can be found in :mod:`.constants`. :param str uid: identifier of the machine :rtype: str """ cmd = subprocess.Popen([self._manager_path, 'showvminfo', uid], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) stdoutdata, stderrdata = cmd.communicate() if stderrdata: log.error(stderrdata) if stdoutdata: match ="""^State:\s*(?P<state>[a-z\s]*)""", stdoutdata, flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE) if match: state ='state').strip().lower() if state == 'powered off' or state == 'aborted': return VM_STOPPED elif state == 'running': return VM_RUNNING elif state == 'saved': return VM_SUSPENDED elif state == 'paused': return VM_PAUSED return VM_UNKNOWN
[docs] def get_vm_os(self, uid): """ Return the operating system of the virtual machine. Possible values can be found in :mod:`.constants`. :param str uid: identifier of the machine :rtype: str """ cmd = subprocess.Popen([self._manager_path, 'showvminfo', uid], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) stdoutdata, stderrdata = cmd.communicate() if stderrdata: log.error(stderrdata) if stdoutdata: match ="""^Guest OS:\s*(?P<os>[a-z\s]*)""", stdoutdata, flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE) if match: state ='os').strip().lower() if state in ('windows', 'windows xp', 'windows vista', 'other windows'): return OS_WINDOWS elif state == 'mac os x': return OS_MAC_OS_X elif state == 'linux': return OS_LINUX elif state == 'arch linux': return OS_ARCH elif state == 'ubuntu': return OS_UBUNTU elif state == 'red hat': return OS_REDHAT elif state == 'debian': return OS_DEBIAN elif state == 'fedora': return OS_FEDORA elif state == 'gentoo': return OS_GENTOO elif state == 'opensuse': return OS_OPENSUSE elif state == 'mandriva': return OS_MANDRIVA elif state == 'turbolinux': return OS_TURBOLINUX elif state == 'xandros': return OS_XANDROS elif state == 'oracle': return OS_ORACLE return OS_UNKNOWN
[docs] def get_ssh_info(self, uid, ssh_port): """ Return the SSH connection information for the virtual machine. :param str uid: identifier of the machine :param int ssh_port: expected SSH port of the guest :return: tuple of (hostname, port) :rtype: (str, int) """ cmd = subprocess.Popen([self._manager_path, 'showvminfo', uid], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) stdoutdata, stderrdata = cmd.communicate() if stderrdata: log.error(stderrdata) if stdoutdata: matches = re.finditer(r"""^NIC \d+ Rule\(\d+\):\s*name = (?P<name>[^,]*), """ """protocol = (?P<protocol>(tcp|udp)), """ """host ip = (?P<hostname>(\d{0,3}\.\d{0,3}\.\d{0,3}\.\d{0,3})?), """ """host port = (?P<hostport>\d*), """ """guest ip = (?P<guestip>(\d{0,3}\.\d{0,3}\.\d{0,3}\.\d{0,3})?), """ """guest port = (?P<guestport>\d*)""", stdoutdata, flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE) if matches: for match in matches: if'protocol').lower() == 'tcp' and int('guestport')) == ssh_port: return'hostname') or '', int('hostport')) return None, None
[docs] def enable_ssh(self, uid, host_port, guest_port): """ Enable SSH port forwarding for the virtual machine. :param str uid: identifier of the machine :param int host_port: the post on the host to forward to the guest :param int guest_port: SSH port of the guest :return: exitcode :rtype: int """ cmd = subprocess.Popen([self._manager_path, 'modifyvm', uid, '--natpf1', 'ssh,tcp,,{0},,{1}'.format(host_port, guest_port)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) stdoutdata, stderrdata = cmd.communicate() if stderrdata: log.error(stderrdata) return cmd.wait()